Business Archives



2018 Meeting Handouts – 6-Page. Should you wish to use the handouts we used at Louis’ meetings for most of 2018 and first few months of 2019, that set is given here. Print 2-sided to save paper. It is most effective with at least page 5 in color (but better in B/W than not at all!).
• Color 2018 Printable Version 6-page
• Black&White 2018 Printable Version 6-page
• Black&White 2018 Printable Version 6-page with page 5 only in color

NOTE: On the “What to Look For…” sections, blank spaces have purposely been left for your guests to fill in as they follow along in the presentation. As part of his presentation, Louis will give the information to complete those blanks. If you are using the handouts on your own, here is the page WITH ANSWERS filled in.
 What To Look For page with Answers for Presenter
2017 Meeting Handouts – 12-Page. Should you wish to use the 2017 12-page handout set it is given here. Print back-to-back to save paper.
 Color 2017 Printable Version 12-page
 Black&White 2017 Printable Version 12-page

Louis’ Meeting Show-n-Tell Pages

When Louis Smith does his presentations, he has several pages he shows that are NOT contained in the flip file. He introduces them as “the good stuff.” Here are those pages for your use (new ones included)!

• Olive Oil
• Ketchup
• Tea Bags
• Raw Honey
• Non-GMO packet
• Herbals Article p.1-4
• AloeVera Walmart-CVS
• Cancer from Chemo
• Gasoline
• Cancer from Roundup
• GM Deformities
• GNC Sued
• Label Differences
• Heavy Metals in Protein
• Shakes, Pills, Kill
• Toxins in Personal Care
• Sperm Count Down
• Baby Food Study

Healthy Living Flip Files

 HEALTHY LIVING  A – is an Abbreviated format of Healthy Living #1 (containing only the most-used pages from the full #1 presentation) and has a meeting close prompt at the end.

 HEALTHY LIVING #1 – covers the problems with our food, GMOs, NeoLife Sollutions (ProVitality and Shakes).

 HEALTHY LIVING #2 – is the “GNLD Wellness Pyramid” and has more about NeoLife products and business plan.

 HEALTHY LIVING #3 – covers the health benefits of various fruits and vegetables (plus “celery looks like a bone and targets bone strength,” etc.).